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When should you sue for reckless driving in Michigan?

On Behalf of | Jan 23, 2023 | Car Accidents |

The definition of recklessness can be broad in driving, and it varies widely depending on the situation. Reckless driving in Michigan encompasses any activity behind the wheel demonstrating a lack of regard for others’ safety.

What makes someone’s driving legally reckless?

One typical example of reckless driving is following too closely, commonly called tailgating. This may be used as a form of intimidation, and it can be highly nerve-racking if the person behind isn’t leaving enough room to stop. You or one of your passengers could get injured or die, to say nothing of the potential damage to the vehicles.

Road conditions also come into play when defining recklessness behind the wheel. If the roads are icy, wet, unpaved or winding, a driver can still be considered reckless even if they’re following the posted speed limit.

Weaving often happens when people drive too fast because they want to hurry up and get past everybody. This is sometimes the case when everyone else is driving at the appropriate speed for the conditions.

Reckless drivers often fail to use their turn signals. Other people who aren’t expecting their erratic driving might not see them coming and may change lanes right in front of them, causing motor vehicle accidents. Driving can also be reckless if the vehicle’s driver is found to be impaired for any reason, whether it’s alcohol, drugs or sleep deprivation.

Who can you sue and what will they pay for?

You can pursue compensation from the reckless driver as well as anyone who has legal responsibility for the driver’s actions. It’s also possible to seek compensation from any third party who did something that added to the accident or caused it in any way.

If you can prove that another driver was behaving recklessly, they may have to pay for your:

  • Medical expenses
  • Repair and replacement costs
  • Transportation
  • Childcare
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering

Driving is legally considered reckless when it is unmistakable that the person operating the vehicle is consciously and actively making the road more hazardous for others. In the most severe cases, reckless drivers may face punitive damages to stop them from repeating the same behavior.