Truck accidents in Michigan are often serious, with victims sustaining major injuries, some of which are permanent. Truck accidents are also often responsible for many highway fatalities. A recent report highlights the number of accidents involving heavy trucks or...
Truck Accidents
Five common causes of delivery truck accidents
If you watch your neighborhood streets throughout the day, you’re bound to see several delivery trucks zooming from house to house delivering packages. FedEx, UPS, and Amazon likely send multiple trucks throughout your area on a daily basis. Although these delivery...
Truck proposal focuses on safety and road congestion
Large trucks may be necessary to our economy, but they can add to traffic congestion and they pose a risk of serious accidents. A new measure under consideration in the Michigan legislature would stop large trucks from using the left lane on freeways that have at...
Truck dangers highlighted during recent Michigan crackdown
As Michigan residents are keenly aware, any auto accident can cause catastrophic injuries and loss of life. Some, however, are worse than others and this is due to the sheer size of the vehicle and the speeds at which they are traveling. Such is the case with a truck...
5 types of evidence you need for a truck crash lawsuit in Michigan
Most truck accidents in Michigan are disastrous and can result in significant vehicular or property damages and long-term injuries or even disability that can affect you or your loved one for life. These losses are usually very costly; therefore, it's imperative to...
Why fatigue among truck drivers is risky
When most people think about truck accidents, they probably think about speeding or distracted driving. But one of the most common and dangerous causes of truck accidents in Michigan is driver fatigue. How is fatigue connected to truck accidents? One of the most...
How truck driver fatigue leads to accidents
Most people in Michigan understand that driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is extremely dangerous. However, many don’t understand that driving while extremely fatigued can be just as unsafe as driving drunk. Drowsy driving is especially dangerous when a...
Electronic log rules might not reduce trucking accidents
Trucking accidents could cause disastrous injuries and death, so extra legislative and regulatory steps aim to reduce collisions. For example, a fatigued driver who violates the hours-of-service rules should not be on the road. Electronic logs keep track of service...
How driver age and experience impact truck accident rates
A study released in 2020 reveals that tractor-trailer drivers in Michigan and around the country who have been on the job for less than a year are far more likely to be involved in accidents than more experienced ones. Researchers from the Virginia Tech Transportation...
The declining rate of truck driver accident fault
Many Michigan residents think when a truck is involved in an accident that the driver is immediately at least partially at fault. It is true that 18-wheelers are the largest vehicles on the road, and that they typically do horrific damage when they are involved in a...