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Avoiding a drunk driving accident over the holidays

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2024 | Car Accidents |

It should come as no surprise that there are more drunk drivers on the road over the holiday season between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Combined with Michigan’s often snowy and icy roads due to winter weather, the holiday roads can be quite dangerous.

Unfortunately, data from the National Highway Transportation Association shows that drunk driving over the holidays has increased in recent years. According to the data, 1,013 people died in drunk driving accidents in December 2021. This is the highest number since 2007.

Avoid becoming a drunk driver yourself

You should never drive after drinking. This is sometimes easier to do during the holidays when there are generally more parties and celebrations than at other times of the year.

If you end up having more drinks than you planned, figure out another way to get home, such as a rideshare or a friend. If you have already started driving, pull over somewhere safe and contact someone to get you home.

Even if you drive sober or stay off the road after drinking, many drunk driving accidents involve one drunk driver and one sober driver. You may be the sober one trying to avoid drunk drivers. Here are some tips to help.

Knowing the higher likelihood that you will encounter a drunk driver on the roads over the holidays means you should place more focus on defensive driving.

How to drive defensively

This means always wearing your seatbelt and following all traffic laws. Maintain a safe distance between vehicles. Since there is a higher chance of encountering a drunk driver, you may want to maintain a father distance than usual.

Pay particular attention at intersections, which is where many drunk driving accidents occur. Take your time going through intersections and yield to oncoming traffic.

Observe other driver’s behavior. Drivers who are swerving or not maintaining consistent speed could be intoxicated. Try to stick to driving on the right side of the road or lane as you face oncoming traffic.

Although sometimes it is unavoidable, try not to drive late at night, particularly on weekend nights, when drunk drivers are more likely to be on the roads.

Do not assume that a driver will do what they should do or follow the traffic laws. If a driver has their right-hand turn signal on, do not assume that they will turn right. Wait until you see what the driver does before you react.

Your rights and options as the victim of a drunk driver

In addition to being criminal, drunk driving is negligent driving. Victims of an accident involving drunk driving often experience serious or life-threatening injuries, which result in astronomical medical bills and lost wages. Pain, suffering and psychological damage are also common in victims of drunk driving accidents.

Michigan law allows you to hold a drunk driver accountable for their negligent actions. A personal injury action allows you to recover compensation for your damages.

Proving negligence requires showing that the drunk driver breached their legal duty to drive safely and this breach caused your accident. You must also prove your damages.

There are several types of evidence that you can use to prove negligence after a drunk driving accident. Knowing how to build a case for negligence increases your chance of recovering full and fair compensation.